Mini Guide: Talent Points and Personalities
The Personality of a horse can be found by going to the "Personality and Talent Points" tab on the horse's information tab (found under the horses-your horses tab (after you select a horse), or inside the barn when you visit a horse, can also be found for horses in the Buy/Sell tab after viewing a horse). Talent Points are found on the sub tab "Talent Points" after selecting the "Personality and alent points tab". For more general information, visit the Main Guide sections on Talent Points and Personality.
Different personality/talent point placement combinations are used for different aspects of the game. Common abbreviations are found in () next to the full names. The following are popular personalities based on race type:
Championship Races
Common Personality Types for Championships:
Use RLLLR and RRLLR for Championships with Jumps Use RLLRR and RRLRR for Championships without Jumps
- ➜Note: Stubborn/Adaptable personality has no effect on the horse's performance in races. Either one may be used.
Talent point placement by level (many experienced players may have a personal preference as to where to put the Talent Points at certain levels. This is only one common way):
Ideal placement when born with 12 Talent Points:
2 Super Speed (SS), 2 Acceleration (AC), 2 Distance runner (DR), 2 Fast Finisher (FF), 2 Control (C), 2 Big Racer (BR)
Common order of placing the talent point earned every five levels:
Lvl 5: SS Lvl 10: AC Lvl 15: DR Lvl 20: FF Lvl 25: C lvl 30: BR
Or, if you wish to use this horse for breeding you can not place the talents starting at lvl 20. When you get to lvl 30, place the three talents earned into Top Breeder.
Placement and Personality for Regular Races:
Common Personality combinations for regular racers:
LLRRR and LRRRR for Flat races LRRLR and LLRLR for Jump races
Common Personality Combinations for Time Trial horses:
This Guide is a WORK IN PROGRESS.