Something here: Training, Competitions, and Leagues Q&A

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How do I check for competitions that my horse can enter?

What if I have an idea for a new competition?

What are the fastest ways to train my horse?

A: Races, Show Jumping and Cross Country are all good ways to train with Cross Country being the fastest.

What are "power hours" and when do they happen?

How can I train horses for others?

A: The easiest way to train for others is by using the Jobs Board.

Do I still get paid if I don't finish training a horse?

A: If you are using the Jobs Board you will get paid for the work you have done. If you are training for someone not using the Jobs Board you will have to ask and see if they are willing to let you finish the agreed upon training so you will get paid.

What horse personalities do best for which competitions?

Why can't I enter my heavy/mini body type horses into Championships?

A: Championship for heavy and mini breeds is something that is being thought about by the creators.

Why did it show on my screen that I was in first, but the results say that I did not win?

What if there is a bug in a competition?

What are the different leagues and how can I place in them?

How often to the league standings reset?