Section 1

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Horse Academy Forums and HA Community Facebook Page

  • Visit and join the Horse Academy Forums by clicking on this link:
Horse Academy Forums

Here you will find other people who play the game and you can join in contests, sell or buy horses, offer your horse training services or look for trainers, and much more!

  • The Facebook Community Page can be found by following this link:
Horse Academy Community

There is also a link in the top right-hand corner of the chat screen. “Like” and visit this page often to find out about official updates, newly released horses, and contests that offer cool rewards! Also, if you ever have an HA3D technical issue that can not be solved, you can post a request for help here too!


Chat Rules

Visit the chat room by clicking on the chat bubble icon on the bottom left side of the screen. This will open up the Chat Room. There are a few things which will NOT be compromised. If you break any of the following rules, based on the guidelines given to the mods by the owner, you may be subject to an immediate 24-hour ban from the chat with no warnings. Repeat offenders may be permanently banned from the game and the forums.

  • No swearing
  • No Dating, no over the top sex talk. This is a PG-13 rated game. Remember, PG-13! (think the first 2-3 seasons of The Simpson's)
  • No Bullying. This will not be tolerated for any reason. This includes harassment, posts aimed to cause a fight or obviously to hurt a person. Take your bad day out of chat!
  • No discussion or referring to Religion or Politics.
  • No Outside Links. None.
a)The only exceptions are links back to the HA Forums, the HA Community page, or to the HA Blog.
  • No cloning, hacking, using or discussing game 'cheats'. This is not only disrespectful to the game and its creator but also illegal!
a)This also includes taking exorbitant advantage of a game glitch which allows you to gain items which otherwise would mean real money for the owner. Expect a permanent ban.
  • No asking for personal information, such as address, phone numbers, age etc. Protect yourself by not answering these requests!
  • No advertising for other games, especially those in clear competition with Horse Academy.

Moderators: Moderators are players who were chosen by the game creator(Andrew Starnes) to help players and ensure that all rules are being followed. The colour of their text is different than the standard white of normal players. They have the ability to remove you from chat and from the game for any period of time. Typically, they will warn you if you are being disrespectful or breaking rules. If you do not heed this warning, you can be removed from chat/banned from playing.

Suggestions on how to get along with other players/mods:

  • Advertise one time per chat page for your horses for sale or what horses you want to buy. This means that when you look at the chat screen, you should only see your request one time on the entire page. When other people are chatting and your ad is no longer visible, then go ahead and ask again! This is considered respectful advertising.
  • Do not trade or challenge another player without asking permission. Although every player can turn their trades and challenges off temporarily, their trades and challenges are automatically on when they first enter the game. They may be racing or otherwise occupied and a trade or challenge window can be a huge interference.
  • Do not beg or pester (see #1) for money or horses. Although most players in HA are more than willing to help out new players, they are less likely to do so if new players do not try to make it on their own. This is a game in which you are rewarded for reaching goals and racing/selling horses. Games are not fun if you get handed everything. That’s why good gamers enjoy a challenge! Keep in mind, if a new player has any general questions or needs advice, it's highly recommended that experienced players remember to answer honest questions in a respectful and friendly way.
  • Avoid “Shouting” in chat: Shouting is the repeated use of all capital letters for all words in a sentence: LIKE THIS! It is considered disrespectful because it’s distracting and your intent behind it can not be determined over the internet.
  • Mini-Modding: While it is okay to remind players of the rules in chat, do not engage in arguments. Additionally, if a player broke the rules, check to see if anyone has addressed the issue before posting. New players may make mistakes and they may get put off if several people gang up on them for breaking a rule. If a player refuses to cooperate, click on their name and select the MUTE option.

Chat Room: Player Interaction

You can select any player’s name on the list on the right-hand side of the chat room. From there, you can Mute, Trade, View what horses they have for sale, Challenge or Visit their Ranch. The new "search" bar at the top of the list of players will help you find a specific player by typing in all or part of their chat name where it says "search". Trades will be further discussed in Section 6.

How to use Requests in Chat:

Being able to automatically reject requests completely is very useful when you are busy racing or breeding. In order to completely turn off all Requests, untick the by Trade (see Section 6) and Challenge (see Section 4) buttons at the top left of the chat window. Remember, you can switch your trades or challenges back on if someone asks to trade you or challenge. Even if your challenge or trades are turned off, you can still trade or challenge other players.

To stop a challenge or a trade from a specific player, select that user’s name from the player list on the right side of chat. A small window will appear with the user’s profile. The profile window shows: Mute, Trade, and Challenge in green. If you choose:

  • Mute - This will stop the player from sending you any trades or challenges, and you won’t see their messages in the chat window.
  • Trade - This only stops heir trade requests.
  • Challenges - This only stops their private race requests.

Chat Codes:

Chat Codes can be used to perform several actions in the game. In order for a code to work, you must type the code exactly as shown by itself in the chat room. Including loading old HA purchased items (like special base coats, training facility etc.), these are the codes you can type into the chat room:

  • !loadold This will load all of your stuff from the old 2D HA version. Sometimes it does not load everything, so talk to Andrew or a moderator if you are missing anything important.
  • !changeflag This lets you change the flag that appears next to your name on the chat list. You can also change your ID name that shows up in chat. Changing your name will not affect your account.
  • !factoid Type this if you want the server to say a fact in the chat room.
  • !joke Type this if you want the server to say a joke in the chat room.
  • !quote Type this if you want the server to say a famous quote in the chat room.
  • !logout This will log out of HA 3D without closing the app or program (this will refresh/reset your connection with the game server).
  • !howtoearn This lets you see how to earn Horse Academy dollars.
  • !howtoads This lets you see how to earn Academy Dollars.
  • !getadtansactions This lets you see the last 50 Horse Academy Dollar transactions on your account.
  • !contracts This will list all the horses you have out on contract by name and how much time is left until they return to your ranch. It now also has the current level in () of your horse.
  • !mycontracts This will list all the horses that people have given you on contract and will show how much time is left until they leave your ranch.
  • !refreshchamps This will reload championships. If the championship races are glitching, you can reload them. It’s almost like a refresh button on your browser, but for HA champs.
  • !samplespeeds %round% %jumps% %surface% (surface 0=Grass 1=Sand 2=Mud)
e.g: To see what a horse would do in a normal race with 3 jumps: !samplespeeds 0 3 0
  • !debugspeed Type this in regular chat. In Pre-Race chat --> hit spacebar & enter, to see how your horse’s speed is calculated for that race (works on all platforms).
  • !whyxp Type this into regular chat. This will show you how XP is calculated for normal races. (It does not work with SJ or XC(Cross Country) at the moment. )
  • !reexaminebreeds This is to check and correct if rare breeds that you own are mislabeled (ie. Your Pink horse shows up as a regular breed.)
  • !vitstats This shows you your individual vitamin statistics.
  • !globalvitstats This shows you the community's vitamin statistics.
  • !unplacehorses This will remove all of your horses from their current barns so that you can easily reorganize them into different barns. If you wish to do this, remember to type the code in, then place the horses. As reloading, the game will return them to their former stables
  • !ranch This is used when you are using the graphics app or if you are stuck in a race and want to return to your ranch.
  • !framerate X (change frame rate to X), lets you adjust how quickly the images move thus affecting the clarity and quality of the images. You will need to type a number instead of the letter X, like this: !framerate 30 To save the battery on your phone, the framerate should be between 20-30. If you have a gaming laptop, you can change the frame rate to as high as 120.
  • !graphicsapp (load graphics app) this lets you see the 3D horse models, and play around with the different appearance layers.
  • !friends Will tell you if anyone typed in your referral code. If it says "True" by their name, it means that they typed in your code and met the requirements for you to get a referral spin (golden spin with the chance to win a Ghost). If it says "false" it means that they used your code but have not yet met the requirements. See the Referral Codes section for more information.

🌟 Goals(gold star icon)

Ranch goals can be accessed by clicking the star icon at the bottom of your ranch screen. Completing ranch goals will unlock all aspects of the game and you will receive completion awards needed for game play; like academy dollars, gold coins and breeding vitamins!

💡Hint: Don't spend or use these goal rewards until you've completed all the short-term goals, as some are needed to complete another goal!

  • You can choose which order to complete most goals.
Tip: There are some goals that need to be completed in order, like the “Breeding a Rare” goal (they are numbered).
Tip: We strongly suggest you complete the goals that unlock all aspects of the game before turning to the other goals. When you read the details of each goal, it may say “unlock showjumping” or something similar at the bottom of the description. Select these goals first.
  • Some things to note about Goals:
    • Each one has a different time limit - you must complete the goal within that time limit to finish the goal, earn the reward, and move on.
    • If you don’t complete the goal within the time limit, you can restart the goal and try again, but you lose any progress you may have made.
    • You can cancel a goal at any time and choose a different goal to do instead.
    • Once you’ve completed all the Starting Goals, there is usually a Challenge Goal offered weekly for all players that may offer a bonus boost for your ranch!

When you have completed most of the goals, you will have a better understanding of the general functions within the game!

💰In-game Money

Gold Coins($), Academy Dollars (AD), Loyalty Points (LP) and Stars. These are the four types of in-game currency. They are explained in detail below.

1) Gold Coins: This is the main in-game currency. A number of Gold Coins can be seen on your home screen in the bottom left-hand corner next to the image of Gold Coins. You earn Gold Coins from Racing, and by selling and donating horses. If you have bought HA Club from the store, you can also make money from Stud Market fees. You can use coins to buy market horses and various "regular" items from the Store. Even the 5 minute XP boost in the store can be bought with 20 million gold coins (Select “Switch currency” to buy the bonus using cash)!

2) Academy Dollars: AD are the most valuable form of in-game currency because they are acquired only if you buy them with real money or win (earn) them in the game. The Academy Dollar sign is two sheaves of wheat.

Some ways to earn them:
  • Winning overall Championship/Show Jumping/Time Trials and/or placing in the 10 top of your league for Championships and Showjumping. See Section 4: :::Racing.
  • Completing certain Ranch Goals (See Ranch Goals).
  • Completing the daily spin (1-3 AD are occasionally offered as a potential prize).
They are needed for:
  • Buying raffle tickets
  • Unlocking special Appearance equips
  • Purchasing select items in the Store
  • Breeding and youth pills
  • Certificates (these increase the number of horses you may keep on your ranch)
  • Many other desirable areas.
  • Sometimes players will sell valuable horses for ADs only (this must be done through Andrew and only with real money-purchased ADs, 50AD at a minimum and within 24hrs).

3) Loyalty Points: You get 1 “ribbon” for every 5ADs purchased. Occasionally bonus offers are given, check the forums & community page! LP are used for some decorations in the store, but more importantly, for Loyalty Point Horses (also called Reward Horses).

4) Stars: Returning HA2 players may have these. Now earn a star for purchasing certain Store items/watching an ad. Stars can be used as currency for some items in the store.


Pricing Guide: The pricing guide explains how to determine the value of a horse, as well as containing suggested prices and specific examples. It can be found by following this link to the forums: Pricing Guide

Horse Buying Basics (Auction/Market info): The horse market and auctions can be accessed by clicking the “Buy/Sell” tab. Horses may range in price from $1 to billions of dollars. Most horses will range from 1,000,000 to 100,000,000. You can use filters to narrow your search: Age, Level, Breed, Talents, Gender, Market/Auction.

You must have the amount of money you wish to spend IN your bank account. New horses are put up every day by other players, so check back frequently. It is strongly recommended that you first search for the breed you want on the horse market or the horse auction before asking for one in chat. If you bid on a horse in auction, your gold coins will be deducted from your account immediately. Your coins will return to you if another player outbids you, or if they pay the buyout price.

TIP: As you are searching for horses, remember that horses with a gold coin icon are market horses, while horses with a hammer icon are on auction!
Note: If you buy/sell a pregnant horse, the foal will not be sold. The original breeder keeps the foal.

Sell Horses (Market info): Use the market to sell your horse for a set price (this is the only option you have if you are not a Club member). Horses that are on contract or on vacation will not appear in your “sell horses” options because they can’t be sold.

To sell a horse on the horse market, select the “sell horses” tab on the Buy/Sell page. The horses you own that can be sold will appear. Select horse -> type in price->“place on market” -> yes to confirm.

💰 You can sell your horse directly when visiting your horse in the stable. Select the “Sell Horse” icon at the bottom of the stable screen and it will take you directly to the sell tab.
💰 Other players can view your horse and its stats; and if they want your horse, they can buy it for the set price. Your horse will remain on the market until someone buys your horse or until you take it off the market.
💰 To take your horse off the market, go to the horse that was on the market and click on the Sell Horse tab.
💰 To adjust the price of your horse on market, take the horse off of the market first -> type in new price -> place on market.
💰 If your horse sells, you will receive the sell price minus a 10% HA Tax.
💰 Horses unsold on the market for 5 days are returned to you with a notification asking you to lower the price or to consider selling it to the academy.

Sell Horse (Auction Info): If you have HA Club, you have the option of selling your horse on auction.

🔨 Go to Buy/Sell-> Select horse-> Place on auction.
🔨 Type in the “Reserve” price (first bid minimum).
🔨 Type in the “Buyout” price (the price a player can pay to buy your horse immediately without finishing the auction time).
🔨 You can type in 1-9 days for the auction time when you first set the guidelines for your auction.
🔨 Once you put a horse on auction, your horse will stay on auction unless it doesn’t meet the reserve price (no one bids). If the reserve is not met, your horse will return to you at the end of the auction time
🔨 If players placed bids on your horse, the player with the highest bid at the end of the auction will receive your horse; and you will receive their money minus the 10% HA tax.

Example: if you want at least 10m for your horse, type “10,000,000” in the “Reserve Price” space. The buyout price can be any price that you feel is equal to the value of your horse. A good buyout price for a horse with a 10 mil Reserve would be around 50 mil.

★Tip: Always put the buyout price high, unless you want your horse bought immediately for the buyout price.
★Tip: HA players often use abbreviated words to describe the price of a horse. The following are some commonly used abbreviations:
💰100k: 100,000 gold coins
💰1 mil: 1,000,000 gold coins
💰OBO: Or best offer (used in chat when a player is trying to make a private sale)


This is the mailbox icon down in the lower right of your screen. Here you will get Alerts for:

  • Buying (Auction outbid notices)
  • Selling (New bid received, Horse has left ranch due to being sold)
  • SJ competitions (Time has been beaten, or if you have won - You have to accept this alert to get the prize!)
  • End of Race Season notices (Your league placing, and whether you were promoted or regulated)
  • HA Club members (Use of your stud in stud market)
  • Contracts (Once expired and the Horse returns to original owner, Your Horses Return from contract)
  • Jockeys (Contract Time Expired/You fire your jockey

Daily Prize Wheel and Golden Wheels

The Daily Prize Wheel is a spinning wheel that awards you a prize once a day. The Daily Spin alert will pop up on the bottom hand left side of your HA screen (when you first log in). Hit “Spin” to be taken to the wheel. You can win different prizes on the wheel including: gold coins ($10k-$25k), 1-3ADs, 5min & 2hr XP boosts and even Lvl1 Certificates!

Tip: Your daily spin timer resets each day at midnight your time!

Additionally, spinning the wheel every day in a row will get you horses!! 20 daily sign-ins/spins will give you a chance at the first wheel horse which is the Rosetta Stone. There is a small chance (1 in 8) that you will get a unicorn version of the breed. Logging on for more days in a row will get you the next wheel horse. To see all of the wheel horses available and how many days you need to log on in a row to acquire, follow this link: Guide for Daily Spin, Reward and Reel Horses

Golden Wheel

The Golden Wheel is a wheel that is gifted to you by another player. Golden wheels have better prize chances (Ghost, ADs, Vitamin Packs, Certificates, 2hr-24hr experience boost, 1 month of free club and (Christmas 2017 only) North Star reward horse).

How it works:

Your referral code can be found at the top of chat on the "Referral Code: This is the grey button next to the Rules + Guide button.

If someone types in your code, you will get ONE Golden Spin when and if any of the following happens:

  • The person who typed in your code buys ADs.
  • The person who typed in your code buys a Starter Pack.
  • The person who typed in your code advances to the next Division in a league (Breeding League, Show Jumping League, or Championship League).

★Tip: New players may be willing to type in your code if you are extremely helpful and polite!
➜ Note: You only get ONE Golden Spin per referral (one person typed in your code and completes a requirement= 1 Golden Spin).


Brands are the characters that appear after the horse’s name and in the top right of the thumbnail. The brand can consist of up to 5 numbers, symbols, and letters in any combination. For example, our brands are ~APEX and Arrow. You can see them clearly when looking at your horses under the “Your Horses” tab. A brand is what tells you where your horse came from.

Players can purchase a brand in the Store for 100 AD and once purchased, ALL of your horses you have bred in the past and all of the horses you breed in the future will have the brand included in their information.

You can see who owns what brand by looking at the player’s name in chat. Their brand will be in tan next to their name in the list on the right side of the chat room. Keep in mind, only horses bred on your ranch will have the brand. If you let someone borrow your mare or stallion and they breed the foal on their ranch, it will have their brand. Your brand is permanent unless you go into the store and change it for an additional 20AD.

We strongly recommend picking one brand and sticking to it so that other players will be able to recognize the brand as belonging to you once you have established yourself in the game.

Club Membership

Club membership is a monthly subscription that has several benefits. You can purchase the membership for 4.99(depending on currency) per month. The membership benefits include:

  • 10 second wait race time (for flat and jump races) instead of 20
  • Two hour breeding times (instead of 12 hours)
  • Allows you to have 4 jockeys instead of 3.
  • Ability to rename horses anytime
  • Ability to sell horses on auction
  • Stablehand that keeps your horse's fully fed/happy at all times (race ready)
  • +1 Certificate Space for each month you renew.

To become a Club Member, go to the “Store” tab and select “Academy Club”. If you are using Facebook or Facebook Gameroom, you will be prompted to pay through Facebook. On other devices like Android and Apple phones, you will be prompted to use Google Play/Apple payment forms.

Monthly Raffles

Each month a Raffle is held which gives 3 unique horses to the raffle winners. You can see the horses and enter the raffle under “Horses”-> “Raffle”.

There are 5 randomly selected winners. One raffle winner gets a one-of-a-kind Rare and the 4 other winners each get one of the 2 other types. A single ticket costs 5AD, or you can buy a pack of 5 tickets for 20AD. In the Raffle Barn, the information bar on the bottom of the screen shows information about your chances of winning and how many raffle tickets have been sold.

Tip: If you have purchased a ticket, even if your percentage shows "0%", you DO have a chance to win, it's only truly 0% if you don't purchase a ticket! If you don’t win a Raffle horse and you bought at least one raffle ticket, you will get an 80% breeding vitamin (it will be in the Alerts Tab on the bottom right-hand side of your screen) once the raffle has ended.

Game Settings

In Game Settings, you can change Screen Resolution, Quality Settings, and Sound. If there is an end of race screenshot, you can see it here. You can also use this screen to log out.

  • Screen Resolution: This changes how the game appears on the screen. Screen Resolution makes a difference for Android and Apple devices. Either it can be at a low resolution, making things unclear or, if the resolution is set higher, things appear much clearer.
  • Quality Settings: This changes how the game looks. There is Fast, Simple, Good, Beautiful, Fantastic and Fastest. There may be subtle changes for each setting, e.g: shadows won’t show in the fastest setting. If your game is lagging on your mobile, toggling to a lower quality may help. If you have many apps running at once, it can cause the game to lag a lot, as well.
  • End of Race Screenshot: The game automatically saves a screenshot at the end of the race; and when going to and from a race (any race), the most recent screenshot will come up as a loading page.

HA before decorations.png


Click here: Section 2 to go to Section 2: Decorating your Ranch.